Monday, August 13, 2007

Turtled Car....

cant really see wat car is that...
i guess it's a Subaru or Lancer or mayb just proton saga

Saw it when i was on my way out...though the car is on the other side...this way was jam!!
people r so k-po, people like me i guess...
It was in front of dont know wat apartment (i think it's Arcadia)...

Anyway, have fun studying paper 8 - torture of Audit
(audit-tiduA-tidur or Aud-Adu-Aduh!)


tanyang said...

zzz..wat happened to ur shoutbox?

Han-x said...

wat happen to the shoutbox??
too quiet?
too noisy???
nothing happen wat...

Han-x said...

wei, tanyang...u still cannot read???
shoutbox can edit immediately...
and it's something diff from cbox (like duh)...

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